Ritchie Law Office, Ltd. in association with the Bloomington-Normal Alzheimer’s Association presents a free seminar on Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s disease. Attorney Chad A. Ritchie will discuss legal issues common to patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and the issues that confront their families, and how to plan financially and legally for loved ones.

The seminar takes place on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at the Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive Street, Bloomington, IL. The presentation begins at 10:00 a.m., and will end at approximately 12:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided. Admission to this event is free, however you must pre-register to attend by calling Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Illinois at (309) 681-1100. You may also register online by clicking here.

This seminar is part of an extensive educational and community support program provided by the Alzheimer’s Association, with chapters throughout the United States. For more information on Alzheimer's Association events, seminars, and resources, visit their website at http://www.alz.org.
This article is a service of Attorney Chad A. Ritchie and the Ritchie Law Office, Ltd.
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